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Guest Character Profiles > Alistair Hall Nick Cain

Alistair Hall 2015

After Sheila Canning pointed out that Nate Kinski hadn't been on a date since his ex-boyfriend Chris Pappas left town, he decided to bite the bullet and approached a guy at The Waterhole, with Sheila convinced that the stranger was gay and would respond. After chatting to the guy, Alistair, and playing pool with him, Nate suggested that they could go out for dinner, and Alistair suddenly turned nasty, angry that Nate had jumped to the conclusion that he was gay. Nate quickly left him alone, but when Alistair's mates arrived, they started getting noisy and disrupting others customers, so Nate was forced to go over and ask them to quieten down. Alistair once again got angry, suggesting that Nate had been lying when he mentioned earlier that he was an ex-serviceman, as they would never allow 'someone like that' in the army. At this point, Sheila joined in, become increasingly annoyed as she told Alistair that entitled idiots like him were everything that was wrong with their country, and he wouldn't know the meaning of the word 'honour'. She then threw him out, and the following day, found out that the entire rant had been recorded and put on the internet, and although most people were on her side and agreed with what she'd said, she was now being sued for defamation.

A couple of weeks later, Nate was out on a date with Brett Holden at Off-Air Bar, when Nate was surprised to spot Alistair across the room. Sheila's grandson Kyle quickly warned Alistair off, but he stayed and watched Nate, who was left very unsettled and distracted on his date. After Brett walked out, believing that his date was checking out other guys in the room, Nate later bumped into Alistair and told him that he didn't want any more trouble. Alistair, however, apologised for his behaviour and then stunned Nate by kissing him, before quickly leaving.

The next day, Alistair tracked down Nate and apologised for hassling him the night before, and even asked for his help in finding the person who'd put the video of his confrontation with Sheila online. However, when Nate mentioned the kiss, Alistair denied all knowledge of it. When he went to the bar later to ask Nate if he'd had any luck getting the video taken down, Alistair agreed to sit down and have a chat, and Nate told him about how he'd coped with being gay in the army, by just being honest with people. Alistair seemed to be interested in what he had to say, but when Nate then tried to give him his number, saying that they both remembered what had happened the night before, and that Alistair might just need someone to open up to, Alistair immediately became defensive and said that he wasn't gay, and that he was in a relationship with a woman and very happy with her.

The following week, Nate's aunt, Susan Kennedy, in her role as a celebrant, met with Coco Lee to discuss officiating at her wedding. Towards the end of their meeting, having spoken about how wonderful he fiance was, Coco showed a photograph to Susan and Nate, who were shocked to realise that it was Alistair. Susan quickly realised that she couldn't be their celebrant, knowing what she knew, but nor could she explain to Coco. Later that day, Coco bumped into Nate at Harold's Store, still confused about Susan's sudden change of heart, and Nate decided that he had to be honest, so he told Coco that Alistair had kissed him. It wasn't long before Alistair was knocking on Susan's door, threatening to make a complaint about her, so Nate had to confess that he'd been the one who'd told Coco the truth. Alistair then told him that he'd drop the complaint, but only if Nate went to Coco and told her that he'd lied about the kiss. At first, feeling guilty about almost ruining Susan's career as a celebrant, Nate agreed to go along with it, but then, after Susan pointed out that it was just piling lies upon more lies, he decided not to back down and told Alistair that he wouldn't go through with it.

After spotting Alistair at Off-Air Bar, Nate was tempted to go over and speak to him about his recent behaviour, to try again to convince him to drop the complaint against Susan. However, new arrival Aaron Brennan, who Nate was struggling to get along with, suggested that he was more charming and might have better luck in talking to Alistair. After Nate left, Aaron bought Alistair a drink, and when Nate happened to be at the Brennan house the next morning, he was disgusted to see Aaron and Alistair wearing just towels, assuming that they'd slept together. Nate later confronted Aaron about his behaviour, but Aaron insisted that nothing had happened between them, and they'd just talked about things, with Alistair finally coming to his senses, ending his engagement to Coco and dropping the complaint against Susan, and they'd been wearing towels because they'd been for a swim.

Trivia Notes
• Nick Cain previously appeared in Neighbours in 2008 as Logan Ellis

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